eco loons

672 days ago

Video: UK Oil & Gas AGM disrupted by fit, if utterly deluded, birds & other eco loons

The Eco loons vs Lyin’ Steve Sanderson and Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG), it is hard to know which team to cheer for. You kind of want both to lose. The protestors at yesterday’s AGM seem to think banners are more efffective if upside down. As the burly UK staffer tries to remove a prostesting bird he is desparate not to use his hands less she screams #MeToo.  How entertaining.


2916 days ago

Tree hugging Eco Loons, muddle headed NGOs & other losers slam United Cacao but are they lying?

An assortment of sixty indigenous organisations and Guardian reader-infested eco-loon NGO groups have slammed AIM listed United Cacao (CHOC) demanding that it be slung off the AIM Casino. Cacao has put these parasitical lefty scumbags firmly in their place with a statement this morning pointing out that the lefty scum are, simply, lying. I am delighted to be a shareholder in Cacao (post Saturday) - I don't care where its shares go I want to stand shoulder to shoulder in the fight against Trustafarian tossers working for NGOs to make people in poor countries even poorer.


4071 days ago

The nauseating self-righteous arrogance of some cyclists

We are saving the bloody planet, being eco-friendly, caring for our children and so we can do what we want. I am sure that most cyclists are perfectly reasonable but there is a minority whose self-righteousness combines with a brazen selfishness in the most infuriating manner.

Heading to the station today I was delayed by one bearded loon cycling along happily with one hand using the other to make a mobile call.  Others on those really infuriating bikes with tiny wheels trundled so slowly around the roundabouts as to induce added congestion. As for red lights, zebra crossings etc., they do not appear to matter if you are on a bicycle.

All this would be bearable if it were not for the fact that the most persistent law breakers are also the most self-righteous. I strongly suspect that there is a strong correlation between this eco-loon minority and Guardian readership.

